Souls that are meant to be.

Tay & Sunny.

Mother & Daughter.

When Mothers come to me to be photographed I first must listen and watch.

I watch for how they connect with their children, how they communicate and how they love each other.

These two did all these as one. When we speak of souls being intertwined we tend to think of lovers who have been together for years and know each other inside and out through life's trials and tribulations.

Both these young souls have known each other beyond this lifetime. They are truly connected in everyway and it was beautiful to witness.

As this session progressed these portraits highlighted to me that in every way were they meant for each other. Ying & Yang. Strong & tender. They gave each other just what they needed. They lit each other up and beamed with vibrancy.

Every time I peered through my lens I was transported into a tiny aspect of their journey together. They were simply them in my tiny view finder. They filled my vision with twirls and giggles. Little hands and big grins. A bond so strong its forever and always.

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